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Chocolate cake with a soft heart is the dessert that I can’t resist when I go to a restaurant at the end of a meal, it’s an easy and very quick dessert to prepare, it’s one of those recipes that if you invited someone to your house for dinner and you served them this dessert, they would scream.
they would exclaim, but really, you have managed to make this dessert.


3 eggs
60g of sugar
50g flour
200g dark chocolate
100g butter


Put the eggs and sugar in a bowl and start to mix with a whisk, then add the chocolate and the butter melted in a water bath (take a pan, put a little water in it, put another pan on top and put the dark chocolate broken with your hands and the butter in it, let the chocolate and the butter melt).
Continue stirring, then add the sifted flour and stir again until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous.
Take the round single-serving moulds, butter them and instead of using flour, use cocoa powder and spread it evenly over the entire surface.
All that remains is to pour the liquid mixture into the moulds and fill them to 3/4 of their capacity, repeating the process until we run out of mixture.
Bake in the oven at 220° for 7 minutes.



Tiziano GarganiTiziano GarganiGiugno 15, 2024

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